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Spot the Bug: To Do, Conditionally

Jack Taylor


In this instalment of Spot the Bug, we have a ToDoList component which takes an array of items and renders them in a list. However, there’s a small bug in the code:


If you run the code, you’ll notice that tomorrow’s to do list doesn’t render nothing as expected, but rather renders 0.

This is because of the way JavaScript handles the && operator. In React, it’s common to use && to do conditional rendering, as if the left hand part of the && operator is falsy, the right hand side won’t be evaluated:

true && "hello world" // "hello world" will be rendered
false && "hello world" // nothing will be rendered

This works because React won’t render anything for the boolean value false. However, the issue with the ToDoList component is that we’re checking items.length, which returns 0 if there are no items — which React will render as a valid piece of JSX.

How do you fix it?



Jack Taylor

I am a UI developer writing about JavaScript, React and tech in general. Currently working at Pleo.